BHP Tackle, Inc. :: Wind-On Leaders - What They Are

What is a Wind-On Leader?

A wind-on leader is attached to a fishing reel's main line via a loop to loop connection, allowing the angler to crank the leader through the rod guides and onto the reel. Conventional leaders force the angler to stop reeling when the swivel reaches the rod tip, leaving the remaining length of leader in the water and requiring the use of a leader man. Wind-ons are typically 25 feet long, but can also be custom ordered in any desired length.

Why use a Wind-On?

Wind-on leaders are safer because a fish does not need to be hand-lined by a leader man. With wind-ons, leaders on lures can be reduced to 5 feet. After winding the leader through the rod, the fish is close to the boat and the angler has better control. Used with bait fishing, the wind-on leader can be connected directly to swiveled or ringed hooks for the ultimate stealth presentation. Wind-ons also allow the angler to precisely tailor terminal tackle to changing situations by simply changing the leader via a loop to loop connection. Dropping down in line size or changing from trolling to live bait or chunking leaders has never been easier.

What is a Topshot?

Topshots can be thought of as really long wind-on leaders. They are made in 100 and 200 yard lengths, designed to give the angler a length of monofilament that can be attached to a reel's spectra or dacron backing, via a loop to loop knotless connection. Packaged onto large hub spools with the same spectra loops and serves as our wind-on leaders, they can be tossed into a tackle box and carried along, ready to be easily loaded onto a reel when needed. They can be provided with a ballbearing snapswivel crimped into place, or a ready to use braided double end line for easy attachment to a wind-on leader. Topshots can be custom ordered in any desired length.

Why use a Topshot?

Topshots are becoming popular because they provide the shock absorbing qualities of monofilament, without having to fill an entire reel. Simply replace the top 100 yards, while retaining the braided backing year to year. The advantages are dollars saved, as well as the ability to replace damaged line quickly without resorting to knots to maintain a full reel. You gain the advantage of the non-stretch of braided line for better hooksets, and the low visibility and shock absorbing characteristics of monofilament. Topshots are much less expensive and easier to change than re-spooling an entire reel. And, along with the downsizing trend in modern reels, the use of braided lines is increasingly popular in order to retain line capacity. Thus, the topshot concept.

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