Jerry Brown's Adhesive System One is a bonding system designed for hollow
spectra to monofilament or fluorocarbon connections. Plastics such as
spectra are known as low surface energy plastics, and are not readily
bondable. To make them bondable, one must first modify the surface.
Adhesive System One consists of two separate components:
Energizer One: This modifies the surface of the spectra to make it
compatible with the adhesive. It takes only seconds to be effective and
evaporates quickly. Caution: Energizer One is flammable, do not
smoke; be careful to avoid sparks or flames.
Bond One: This specially formulated adhesive is designed to bond
surface-activated spectra formed by treatment with Energizer One.
This is extremely fast acting and is accelerated by oxygen or moisture.
How to use:
1. Prepare your topshot by inserting monofilament or fluorocarbon
inside hollow spectra to a minimum length of three (3) feet.
2. Prepare a test to demonstrate that the fingertrap connection cannot be
pulled apart under tension. Do this by pulling steadily on the
monofilament and spectra in opposite directions. One must still
ensure that it cannot pull apart under slack conditions, however.
This is the purpose of adhesives and serves.
3. Brush Energizer One onto the prepared topshot connection starting one
inch from where the mono/fluoro enters the spectra. It will wick
through the braided spectra onto the mono/fluoro inside. The
reaction is quick with the excess evaporating, leaving both
surfaces prepared for the application of Bond One.
4. Install the
BHP Micro-Tip over the Bond One standard bottle tip.
Apply a few drops of adhesive onto the pretreated one-inch
portion of the topshot. Bonding is very quick and the topshot is
ready for use after a final tension test. Caution: This adhesive
will bond skin. The bond can be dissolved using acetone or nail
polish remover.
5. A
serve over the adhesive is always recommended.